Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Problems and solutions of global warming.

The world economy has changed a lot over the past 10 years. Everything has changed; more dangerous energies are used such as, gas, oil, and electricity nowadays which cause a harmful affect on the environment and cause many problems. Two of these problems are pollution and global warming that have a really dangerous effect on earth. First of all I will outline some problems that cause pollution in more detail which will also cause the percentage of global warming to increase.

The main problem is that many people are not aware of global warming and what will happen to the earth in the near future, so they keep using things that are unnecessary to use, like, for example, they are producing the same item but in a different brand just to show which of the items are the best and they forgot the negative affect that they cause to the environment. Another problem is the carbon dioxide from power plants “In 2002 about 40% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. Coal accounts for 93 percent of the emissions from the electric utility industry.”(

Moreover the radiation which is stacked inside the atmosphere causes the earth to warm up and causes global warming.
However there are lots of solutions for these kinds of problem that I am going to outline, and one of the major solutions is to make new laws for those who will harm the environment. Each person should have only a certain amount that he can use during the year. In addition to make cities aware of the problem like what California did “In 2006, California passed two groundbreaking laws to reduce California's emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollution” ( ).

Another final solution is to stop cutting trees for crafting, making paper and try to look for a different source, although it is hard to replace the paper with another thing, but at least try. As David G. Bancroft said “All one can do is try every single day, regardless of the test, to live the truth, not to lie. Knowing this earthly stay is a short lived quest to the one most high, resisting to be led astray into evil’s fiery nest like those who defy and continue to betray, including angels once blessed”.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool City.

According to Cool City video, the economy these days is different from the last 20 years; everything is changed; it has developed in an enormous way and made some negative effects on the environment such as pollution, car traffic, an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the air, and an increase of population. However if these problems are not solved on time, we will have to find and replace our earth with another planet. As we can see from the graph that shows on Cool City video, 90% of carbon dioxide is coming from buildings and transport. The SDCJ is several companies that came together and they are trying to make a project, an environmentally friendly and green city which is called Cool City. Moreover transportation will be different from a normal city; there will be light rail transit, solar water ship, and hybrid cars. Cool City will be using natural energy like the sun’s energy, wind, and water. But nothing is impossible with technology. In my opinion, it will take time to build Cool City with lots of technology, and maybe a new source of energy will be discovered while they are building Cool City, and it will cost billions of dollars and still the carbon dioxide won’t fade away; it will just reduce it, so no point in building the City.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe can save the world.

Europeans are different from British culturally and politically, but they are the same geographically. Many countries in Europe are forcing themselves to lower the carbon dioxide emissions by 20% and 27 countries are part of the situation and most of these countries are trying to use renewable sources such as tidal power, air, mass biofuel except France, but Europeans are convincing France and giving it flexibility to be part of a decreasing carbon footprint because they use nuclear energy. However it is very expensive to change to renewable energy and it will be different from one country to another as to how expensive it will be because of the weather. Furthermore Europeans announced a law that each country should have a certain percentage of using fuels. A long time ago Europeans economy was dependent on coal and iron, but nowadays it is on carbon. As David Miliband has called the ‘after you’ syndrome and he meant it is each country waiting for another country to do a job, like to move on and do something in order to reduce the carbon footprint of their countries, but most of them are afraid to do something wrong.

Main idea:

Europe is trying to save the world by reducing the use of energy that has a bad affect on the environment and trying to look for another energy that is cheap to use and less harmful on the environment; also the EU is trying to share these ideas all over the world and try to do something before it is too late.

In My Opinion:

In my experience, I think it is a very important subject to reduce the use of bad energy especially nuclear power. Because it will affect our children in the future and the world in other words, so many countries should do something before it is too late. And I liked where it says there are new laws on using lots of carbon footprint which will help to reduce the use of it. And what I recommend is to keep the studies up on searching for new cheap energy that is not harmful to the environment. And try to relate some studies in schools for the children on how important it is to save the world from such crises.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Carbon Footprint.

Your carbon footprint is the total GHG emissions you are personally responsible for emitting. And it is caused by anything that produces energy. I have estimated my carbon footprint on and it was 15.04 tonnes per annum. I had 19% food, 38% on travel, 16% home, and 27% stuff and it was about 3.14 overall compared to the planet which it is too much. As we can see the highest was on traveling and the lowest was on home; in my point of view I think it depends on the weather of the country. For example, in the UAE the weather is hot most of the time which will force the people who live there to use air conditioners in many places such as, cars, malls, homes, and buildings which will affect the environment in the long term and increase carbon footprints while in other countries like Germany they use less air conditioning. Here are some tips which might help to reduce carbon footprints. Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder. Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need. Go for a run rather than driving to the gym, and for short journeys either walk or cycle. And this website might help also and gives you more ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint .

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reviews of An Inconvenient Truth.

Scott,, says he found Al Gore as a good speaker, his science to be sound and his personality was calm. Also he says the movie version of his presentation was not that much good, because of some reasons; one of these reasons was the central point of the movie doesn't seem to be about Global Warming. Another reason is because Al Gore related some of his life experience that doesn’t match with Global Warming; for example, when he related his sister who died; this was just to play with Scott’s emotions, as he said. Also there were some jokes on Bush and other republicans during the presentation.

Brain Orndorf, , says that Gore has a point when he said most of the pollution and things that affect the earth are coming from people, and he relates his personal knowledge into a slide show in order to make his presentation much more attractive and interesting to the audience. Because global warming is an important subject to our life Gore decided to start back on the lecture circuit. “Inconvenient Truth” might not be acceptable by all the people, but it’s trying to do something good, and positive in a time when forward thinking always seems to be punished.

In my point of view I think what Scott said about “Inconvenient Truth” was wrong when he mentioned that Al Gore’s presentation wasn’t very good. I really disagree with this point because I found it very good quality and it was a great presentation and attractive. However I agree with Brain Orndorf when he said that the video to some people is acceptable and some not, but it’s trying to remind the people of how important global warming is.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009